Stanislav “The Glorious” retires from many years of racing. Stanislav is a thoroughbred racehorse from Russia. His trainer Vlad Potkin Jr. was forced to take his champion horse out of the racing circuit. “The Glorious ” had won many races and was notorious for his temperamental behavior. Vlad would praise Stanislav after each race. The crowd would be going wild, yelling, cheering and throwing confetti. When the flower garland was placed around Stanislav’s neck, he would rear up and rampage though the barns, knocking over things and making a huge scene. The last race that Stanislav won was the final humiliation for Vlad, who seemingly had no control over his willful horse. The race had ended and of course he won by several lengths. Vlad was grinning from ear to ear when suddenly Stanislav kicked Vlad, knocking him down and giving him a nasty concussion! Vlad ended up with a stint in the hospital and Stanislav was banned from racing ever again. The two travelled on the Trans Siberian railway to Vlads hometown of Yaroslavl. Stanislav would never race again, he would live out his cantankerous days in Russia. Vlads health improved and to this day he looks after Stanislav from a distance, the two remain infamous in the journals of horse racing history .