Thursday, July 9, 2009

Riding Lobo

The crowd went wild yelling “Bravo, bravo…” Sorina knew that everyone in that audience was there to see her and she felt proud and happy to be back in Romania.
Sorina was born in Texas, but soon after she was born her family moved back to Romania where they rejoined the circus. Her parents were trapeze artists and after doing a stint in a small circus in Austin Texas, they realized that they missed their homeland very much and moved back to be with the rest of their family. Sorina was very young when she learned to ride bareback. In the Austin circus there were many horses to practice with.
However, Romania was a different story. There they rode giant wolves and any rider who could manage to ride one was idolized. So at the age of thirteen, Sorina learned to ride the lobo. She became the most skilled at this talent and her audiences were massive. The circus tent was packed every time she performed. Her costumes became more extravagant and she wore long black false eyelashes and bright red fingernail polish. She had sequined cat suits of red and black and as she grew up, she became the most famous bareback rider in the land.
Sorina rode wolves late into her seventies until she died of influenza. She was buried in the family plot. A larger than life size marble statue of Sorina riding a lobo is in the cemetery to this day. Fans still pay respect and leave red roses at her grave.

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