Friday, March 6, 2009

The Contented Troubadour, Chapter –One

Sergio played guitar all his life. From childhood on, always watching his father, his aunt and cousin, all skilled guitar players, he was from a most musical family. So it made sense that he follow in their footsteps. Sergio’s father Horst was born in Russia and moved to Spain as a young man. Horst was influenced by the music of the Czars and played the guitar with much bravado. His sister Lupita was much younger and was born in Spain - her playing was romantic, sad and soothing. As for her son, Ignacio, his passion was American westerns and the music of cowboys! Three different styles. Needless to say, the trio rarely played together. When they tried, the most terrible cacophony of noise would rise from the small house, the tile floor resonating with picking, strumming and singing. Sergio and his mother would go outside into the garden and cover their ears when the three stubborn musicians insisted on playing all at once.

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