Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Passage of Spring

The ladies of leisure sit, wait and watch for the first days of spring.

Their petticoats starched, limbs frail and tall
Thin from the winter and brittle like fall
The ladies of leisure wait for it all

The weather was mild, there was a slight chill in the air yet the ladies were dressed for a warm spring day. Their wealth exceeded their grace and they were known throughout the village for their rude remarks and the cheap tips they left at the Woolworth’s counter .
This ritual was hundreds of years old. All the ladies in the village met in small clusters and waited for the coming of spring. They waited in silence, the forest so quiet you could hear the flowers emerging from the soil.They wait until nightfall and then return the next morning. The waiting continues well into March and when it is done it is done. For miles you can see the thin figures with pretty petticoats parade into the night returning from the passage of spring .

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