Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Robot Locust

A dream, a nightmare, maybe a head injury - whatever happened I was there to witness this rare site. I had heard about this phenomenon since childhood, a strain of insects that were implanted with robotics. They started out just small locusts, the kind you see in the South, the kind that end up falling into swimming pools and just can’t get out ………….but they changed all due to the brilliant and sinister Dr. Vendosa. I never thought he existed, but when I saw that locust/grasshopper/cricket thing in my yard one afternoon, I knew it was the invention of the evil Vendosa.
Maybe it was fate, you think about something long enough it happens. I was glad I had my camera with me that day. I got as close as I could. I think these are the first shots ever to be taken – the first pictures seen by humans. The very large green meshed horror looked calm enough, but I knew it could turn on me at any moment. They are known to have teeth like small surgical scissors and without warning or hesitation can and will bite. I kept my distance, took my pictures and before I knew it, the robot locust flew away! I am sure that it returned to the mad scientist’s arms, but one thing I am sure of …………this was not the last I would see of the Robot Locust.

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