Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Three Layers Of Innocence

This shape shifting duo seems innocent enough, but they are not to be trusted. Never lend them money and never divulge any of your entrepreneurial activities. If you do, you will pay dearly. Your wallet will be emptied, bank accounts drained, you will be left with empty devastation - your golden dream as flat as a punctured tire. Look elsewhere and even in desperation, do not cross their path. Their success rate is high (very high) and you will never know what hit you until it is too late.
The two travel as a team, but the wolf dog is never visible. He is always just lurking in the background waiting to seal the deal. She looks calm, innocent and so eager to assist in any way. She dresses impeccably, not an accessory out of place, a cold gleaning confidence of someone with the knowledge of a charmer with kind, cold eyes. In these paintings you see them in celebration, a foul party for two, toasting their spoils of treasure and power. They are always adding to the heap of gullible victims that have fallen prey to their wiles.
So if you come across these scoundrels run and don’t look back. Do not play with this fire - the torch is too hot and all in its path turn to embers.

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