Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Red Reapers Birthday

The Red Reaper happens to be a woman and today is her birthday.

She is the bearer of bad news, the pariah of life, but today is a celebration, a scarlet festival of grim joy.

The Red Reaper was born in a quiet village near Stockholm; she was abandoned by her parents and left below the statue of the Stor Uggla (the Great Owl). Red grew up on her own which made her the strong, independent woman that she is today. People have often questioned the hood she always wears. It is the most inquired thing about Red and let me just allay your curiosity, she does have hair. However, it is the color of the moon with dirt rubbed into it. She has always found it to be her worst feature and so the hood. Red is not interested in displaying any signs of weakness in her line of work.

Ronato pulled up in his truck this sunny morning to collect all the Red Reapers friends and acquaintances to attend the birthday party.
All the “reaped” souls of the past attended. These were Reds friends, whom she got to know after she had plucked them from their former existences.

They came from all ends of the earth. Red was well versed in all languages and dialects, so the conversations were endless and significant. They might have strong opinions, smoke too much, and talk too loud, but they were her friends and she was grateful to have their company.

So remember the date May 25th each year - that is the Red Reapers birthday. Smell the air on that day. You will notice a faint aroma of roasted red pepper…..Reds favorite fragrance.

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