Friday, August 14, 2009

Lilly And The Bite Of Doom

George, Hemka and their dog Lilly were all sound asleep when suddenly Lilly heard a noise and started growling. George heard the noise as well and quickly woke Hemka. The sound was the creak of the front door opening and something walking in! Lilly leapt out of bed to go find the culprit. She had a nasty temperament. She was the kind of canine that bites the postman - the best kind of guard dog. Lilly ran right up to the door to meet the intruder with a big bite, but the intruder struck first - a brown wolf with much larger teeth! Lilly fell to the ground and that wolf just stood his ground howling.
George got a blanket and covered Lilly, the wolf continued to howl and Hemka called the local vet to help out poor Lilly before it was too late. The wolf finally ran off and the vet arrived soon after midnight. Lilly seemed to be recovering at an amazing rate.
Hemka put the kettle on and made some tea. George got out a blanket and the three stayed up all night eating blueberries and biscuits and watching an old black and white movie on the Turner Classic Movie channel. They all fell asleep in the easy chair until the next morning. When George went off to work, Hemka began her day of working on a mohair sweater - a special order for a customer. Lilly guarded the door and waited for the postman.
That evening it was dark and stormy, the wind was blowing and the rain was pounding. It was a creepy clattering weather night. Lilly was restless and wanted to go outside ……….little did Hemka and George realize that Lilly had been bitten by a Werewolf and their lives would change forever!

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